Sammy & baby Periwinkle

Our Photo Album
we hope you enjoy

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our past kids
morning family games
- Chickadee (mom), Arwen (Grandma)
Lucy, Pepper & Penny

Bibble and her crew
Moth is in the forefront

Sammy (Human) & Penny Lane

Sammy with Pepper but Penny is trying to
get Sam to look at her

Sargent Pepper and Lucy in the Sky

LadyBug and her mom

Sargent Pepper at a full run!!

Moth says
"please Sam come play"

A Dog's Life - around our place

Part of the back yard - fenced and safe for the dogs

they love running

and playing

Haldor in full stride

sleeping(always in a pile) back in the house


More Pictures - just for fun!

Sam and her dear Periwinkle

Callie and Sammy

pictures, not always as easy as they look

all our pups are used to BIG dogs
here is a past puppy and Catness
our Doberman (she protects the Farm)

Baby Sammy and baby puppies

Arwen and her HUGE litter of 9!
it was quite a shock

just too cute

learning to eat
back when we still mixed soft food

all we often see during playtimes


Callie and a past litter

we will be adding more ............

Gail & Chuck Gibbons
Sarrah & Derek Schauer
Sara Berks

3276 Walnut St.
Reading (Miller), KS 66868

(620)794 - 4802

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